Monday, November 24, 2008


Were were supposed to go to Mount ASO today BUT due to really bad weather, we had to change plans and head to 'Daikambo Observation Point' instead. Look at the wonder view!! (This was the view when the weather was BAD... just imagine what it would look like if it was on a good day!!! wahaha... )

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ABOVE: This here is my friend Anna Graham - from Germany! =) She's a really sweet gal that's soft spoken (yes.. not all Germans sound overly masculine)  =)

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ABOVE: Group Photo!!! =) we are all actually blocking the Big stone with the name of the place we were at!!!


ABOVE: Miki and Mitch - [from Australia] fooling around!. Really funny cool guy! haha, ya can't really see his face here so just check out his back first!

BELOW: More photos of the area, it was really windy and the view was MAGNIFICIENT!... kinda makes you think about the extreme extent to which nature can create and destroy (coz we were looking at a volcano crater...)

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ABOVE: Crazy ppl all getting into the photo!! =)


ABOVE: This here is 'Tian Ran' a.k.a Yoko! [from China] she's those kind of super sweet gals that a lot of guys will like! =)

BELOW: Check out the next few pictures of my friends and myself.

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ABOVE: from the left - ME | Miki | Jing Wei | Hemi

BELOW: Photos of the place =)

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After spending come time at 'Daikambo' we continued to our next destination - KUMAMOTO CASTLE!!... Actually hor... i've been there before already, last year with my family! haha... so it was a little weird that i'm going back there. BUT anyway, this was the last destination for the orientation and even though i have been there before, the experience this time was really different coz i was with friends!


ABOVE: Two of the Tutors that followed us to the orientation trip. They are the true blue Japanese so the guys that are interested, check them out ok! haha...

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ABOVE: The whole gang of us walking to the castle.

BELOW: The next few pictures are of the castle and the 'museum' that they have inside. We have to actually walk up the castle floors and each floor will have some exhibits for us to see.  

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And we reach the TOP of the castle!!! check out the view from here!! the last time i came with my parents, they were doing some renovations to the top floor so we didn't manage to get up here, so it was 'technically' my first time up there! =) THE VIEW WAS REALLY NICE... wanted to just hang out there and look down for a while.

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ABOVE: Two tutors (Masa - top and Shin - bottom) and Two Thais (Miki - left and Mickey - right).


ABOVE: This here is Deej, from England - Manchaster. She already has several Singaporean friends and was actually able to shoot some 'lah, leh, and lohs' to me just for fun!


And finally, the last group picture! =)

AND this final paragraph officially ends my posts on my orientation days here! It was a really fun experience and this was when all my friendships with everyone was 'forged' haha.... or maybe i should use initiated! anyway... really had fun those 3 days! =)

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