Monday, December 1, 2008

Crusine Night!!

I'm going to name this post the crusine night!!! haha coz its actually about 3 different groups of my friends cooking their special country dinners and me being invited to each of them!! =) i was literally running around and eating a bit of everything!. wahaha... the food was great! THANKS PEEPS@!!!! =)

-------------------------DEEJ LONDON MAKAN-------------------------------

Okie then... the first invitation was from Deej from England Manchaster! =) she wanted to cook some omelette rice for all her friends and she invited us to try out her cooking! =)

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ABOVE: Yeji acting as if she did the cooking (when she actually just picked up the pan! wahaha ;)... And Diego from London too! but he's not in the JTW course, he also stays in the Kaikan and is a student in another course. He's rather close with Deej so that's why he's here! =)


ABOVE: The chief of the Day! Deej!

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ABOVE: The final product... haha... ok i know that it does not really look that appetizing BUT it tasted good! =)

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ABOVE: This is Alice from France, she's a cute petite sized gal that's really good in Japanese! =)

------------------------HONG KONG MAKAN----------------------------------

Next up was Hongkong Chiefs doing the cooking! haha... these 3 ppl below (Joel, Kristin & Dav) were making a feast for dinner! woohoo!!!... look at the amount of food that they have prepared... and they even bought a rice cooker! haha POWER!

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ABOVE: Kristin acting like a Serial Killer... (I think she can never be one.. zzz) wahaha!

---------------------------KOREAN SIMPLE DINNER--------------------------

And the final crusine selection was Korean FOOD! haha... for tonight it was just some simple food that Hyun A, JungWon and Sunny (the guy in the pic) Prepared. They brought their food back to HyunA's rooms and had the makan there. This is actually one of the common things that the Koreans do! =)

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And this ends my wonderful crusine night post... i'm actually getting really hungry now! haha... think i'll start thinking about making some dinner myself! haha chaoz! =)

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